
Showing posts from May, 2022

Top Background Verification Companies in India

  Employment Verification Check is a must in nearly every big and small firm where the company tends to find out nearly everything about the individual including the educational verification, employment verification, the reference verification, their criminal record verification, address proof, drug tests and many such things. The Employment Verification Company in India which digs out such information about the individual which is now led by many big and small firms. Many companies have started to do the Employment Verification Check in-house itself, while some do approach other agencies working solely towards this purpose.   However, the process of this background check is a sheer necessity which is mainly required to seal the needful facts about the activities which are known to be highly fearful for the company in the mere future which can also create an impact on the company name. In India, background checks are required for a variety of purpose starting with the ...

Visa Officers Verifying Employment Background Check

  The process was background and document verification by the Visa officers are very crucial where any kind of misrepresentation related to the background checks of the individual can be put at high risk as these checks are one of the main background verification points where many individuals face sincere kind of entry applicant problems. The Employment Verification Company gets contacted by the visa officers to do a full Employment Verification Check where doubtful applications get sent off and clarified and also it can take place at any time with random selection of any applicants and at any time. The misrepresentation in the whole procedure can take place with the officers suspecting the applicants representation with being completely inadmissible at points for the misrepresentation of themselves, thus one should keenly and in detailed format should provide the documents to these authorities as their reasons can be a sincere concern for you. These doubts created by the offic...

India Delved in Employment Crisis

  The rate of unemployment in India is reaching new heights where quality jobs with sincere wages or income are now becoming a major challenge for the government. Many reports and data shows that unemployment level in India has stood up to 8.1% in 2022, where the central government is monitoring all over the India economy data where a sincere rise or slight improvement has been recorded for around 12% unemployment issues have seen a peak in the Covid-19 wave which was during the 2nd wave witnessed by the Indians, where only 40% of Indians were having a keen employment level, whereas others were indeed looking out for job opportunities in comparison to 60% in the other countries across the globe. The companies for Criminal Background Checks for Employment and the Pre Employment Verification Services mainly have recorded that around 26% of India males aging between 20 to 30 years in the last 10 years at least with proper education are still not working whereas the figure has gr...

Conducting an Effective POSH Training

  It is very important to maintain the safety and dignity of each employee working in a company where one should purely understand the difference between the correct and the incorrect behavioral activities which is why a POSH training is always mandatory to attend for every company. POSH ICC Training throws light on mainly the legal aspect of the POSH act which is passed by the Indian judiciary which is mainly helpful for the female employees who mainly get threats or at times put into situations where they face sexual harrarsment activities in their office environment. The POSH Training for Employees thus defines the real scope of the act and also retains the action plan of the act by the POSH Training India committee where educating the employees about the law is very important indeed and to provide with detailed information regarding what activities to prevent in the future which can bring a serious effect of the company’s name and also on their job designation, dignity and ...