
Showing posts from February, 2023

How company do background verification of employee?

  Written By - Employee background verification companies - ecrossings The company is hiring new employees with different roles. It’s essential to check the applicants thoroughly before hiring them. An employee who can pose a threat to the organization or its stakeholders would be rejected as soon as he/she is hired for working there. The main reason behind such actions could be his or her past behavior. Let’s understand how companies carry out background verification of their Best Employee background verification companie in India . What is background check of employee? Employment verification is the process of confirming the identity of a potential employee to guarantee that they are who they say they are. It is an essential part of the hiring process. When a business is interested in hiring an employee, it usually conducts a background check on the employee to make sure they are who they say they are. It is a way of verifying the identity of a potential employee to ensure ...

How does HR do background check?

  When you first start your new job in a company, there is often so much to learn. For instance, how do you handle tricky interviews? How do you get everyone up to speed? Or what about that trust issue — how do you establish a healthy working relationship with your new colleagues? That’s where background checks come in. They are an HR department’s go-to tool when it comes to vetting potential new hires. So if you have just started a job and don’t know where to start, give this article a read. We will cover everything from the advantages of having a background check procedure, to the details of the different types of checks, and what questions need to be answered during one. You see, not only are these checks essential for preventing criminals and other dangerous people from infiltrating your company; they can also help prevent employee theft by identifying and weeding out anyone who would take advantage of their position for their own gain rather than the good of the organization a...

What is the need of PoSH law?

  Property owners' security is a key concern for everyone. Every home and business owner wants to feel secure in their own property and be protected from potential harm that may come from outside intruders. As such, many laws have been put into place to protect this key asset. The Property Offences (Sale of Illegal Drugs) Amendment Bill, or PoSH law, is one of these laws. Introduced in June 2018 with the aim of increasing home owner safety through the enforcement of trespassing on private property and other offences committed in connection with illegal drugs. This article will help you understand all you need to know about PoSH law, including its purpose and implications Posh training India . What is PoSH law? The Property Offences (Sale of Illegal Drugs) Amendment Bill, or PoSH law, is a law that aims to strengthen the enforcement of laws relating to the sale of illegal drugs. The law is set to come into effect on 1 June 2018 and will apply to certain offences committed in co...