Does POSH Training Have Any Benefits for Employees?
The POSH ICC Training mainly
stands for prevention of sexual harassment training which has gained the
attention of the companies big or small because of the increase in the number
of sexual harassment cases in the following years. The POSH Training India
states that sexual harassment of women in the workplace is mainly a legal
offence which cannot be in action in an organization or by any employer towards
any other employer. The POSH Training for Employees
mainly stands for the betterment of relationships among the employees where to
ensure the quality in the workplace should be the main priority of any
organization and of an individual employee.
The POSH training is merely a workshop or
a method which is used by companies to go ahead and sincerely educate the
employees on the basis of their sexual harassment of women in the field and
segment of work where a sheer amount of awareness is indeed necessary. Also,
the POSH training focuses on the redressal mechanism issues where such
incidences should be not avoided but clearly addressed in the office in front
of the colleagues where legal trials could be on the move with no complications
stated ahead and to also maintain a very healthy work environment as well for
the company.
The POSH training is also important for
the employees to be aware of the detailed laws and all about the consequences
and violations which are done in the organization where the training requires
to be sheerly organized by the Human Resource and Legal department which is not
only organized for women but also for men to let them know the actions which
are allowed and which are not in the workplace environment which also should
have a grace of equality.
The soul benefit is to create awareness
among the employees where women at the workplace should stand with a better
understanding towards the sheer instances of sexual harassment and thus also
should have the audacity to go ahead and report the situation witha sincere redressal report. The whole process also educate the employees
with the sheer understanding of sexual harassment where fake complaints could
have a negative consequences where the law is not fit for a misuse too.
Thus, with sheer awareness needs to come
a sheer responsibility where the training is necessary and the employees should
also be much aware with the ensurity of compliance and also with the motive of
having a much lesser number on the row where the incidents thus could take
place in the mere future. Thus, to create a safe interactive and coordinated
environment, the promotion of valuable work ethics should be in action where a
positive and a more productive environment can be built up.
A/203, Osia Classic, Amboli, Andheri (West), Mumbai – 400 058, Maharashtra
022 49782379
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