Types of Discriminatory Harassment Ought to be Reported
We have often heard about people
attending POSH Training for Employees,
issued by the POSH Training India
committee where under the POSH ICC Training act,
every company or organizing needs to have anti-harassment training sessions for
their employees where they can teach them about the needful manners and actions
which are bound to be followed inside the office premises. Thus, workplace
harassment is becoming more open and more common now-a-days where nearly every
individual is being a victim of such experiences and are coming out to file a
sincere complaint in their HR department. However, as there are many types of
harassment, the most famous one apart from sexual remains the discriminatort
harassment which within itself has a variety of aspects on which many-a-time,
people are judged and thus are left behin or taken advantage of.
Discriminatory harassment can be termed
as the unlawful workplace harassment where not via verbal or physical terms but
the intentions and definitions of harassment can go beyon being personally
carried out where a tons of aspects come into the action or measure. Thus, the
various aspects are as follows:
● Racial harassment
is majorly seen across the country where the victim may experince racial
mocking or discrimination because of thir skin color, origin country, ancestry,
race or because of their citizenship where the major attributes thus consists
of their curly hair, accents, dark skin, clothing or at times their beliefs as
well, where certain racial jokes, insults and slangs are also passed on to them
with a feeling of disgust and degrading comments on the row with an intolerable
attitude as they come around.
● Gender harassment
is again one of the most commonly seen behavior in many offices where depending
upon the gender of the individual, a series of negative gender stereotypes is
thus carried out where people have also generalized the working professions of
the individuals as well. Such as male nurses are mainly perceived and mocked as
female nurses, or female bankers and lawyers are oftenly taunted for their high
designations, where male colleagues usually display them with posters and
comics with serious degrading posts where they also mock them often.
● Religious
harassment is the most talked about discrimination in the country amidst all
the sincere tension going around where the victim’s religious beliefs are
mostly torned down and mocked upon where depending upon the religion of the
individual the company sets many intolerance attitude and actions of religious
holidays, tradiions, customs and more, where the individual is pointed with
cruel jokes, degrading comments and pressuring their religion beliefs on the
A/203, Osia Classic, Amboli, Andheri (West), Mumbai – 400 058, Maharashtra
022 49782379
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