Employee Background Screening
internet provides many sources to dig up dirt on candidates who want a job with
your company. With the popularity of social networks - and most people's
failure to alter privacy settings - you can sometimes find the information you
may never learn from an application or interview. Relying on the internet as an
employee background verification
however, is not without its dangers and drawbacks.
Is It
prospective employee, however, may consider an internet search to be an
invasion of privacy. Social media sites could let an employer learn about
current or past behaviors they might find questionable, but that has no bearing
on the applicant's ability to do the job. In some states, it is against the law
to use a candidate's background
screening companies off-duty, private behavior to make an employment decision.
the legality of using the internet as an employee screening method is still a
gray area, there are ethical dilemmas related to using pretexts to gain
information about an individual online. Pretexting is the act of creating a
false identity so you can gain access to private information a candidate may
only share with certain people.
to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, it is unlawful to base a hiring
decision on a candidate's gender, race, nationality, heritage, religion, age,
marital status, the status of pregnancy, medical condition, or sexual
orientation. You are only supposed to base your decision to hire an individual
based on their ability to perform the duties necessary. When you conduct employee background screening services
on the internet,
you run the risk of learning too much information that could sway your decision
to hire an individual.
Also, if
a candidate learns that a company performs employee screenings through basic
internet searches and does not get the job, they could try to argue that it was
the reason they did not receive the position.
the So-Called Truth
information from the internet, particularly social media sites can be a problematic
employee screening method because it may not reveal the candidate's true
personality and ability to perform the functions of a job. It is also difficult
to know if what you see posted online is true. With so many people on these
social media sites, you cannot guarantee that the person you are looking at is
the same one that is applying for the position.
taking employee background screening into your own hands, talk with your
company's lawyer so you can develop a written policy about hiring procedures
and how the company plans to use information learned about a candidate through
the internet. For the best legal protection, however, it is best to post on a
job announcement that the company does use the internet as a means to learn
more about a candidate. Then, look at personal information only after obtaining
written consent from the individual. Regardless of the employment practice your
company chooses, it is wise to put it in writing and make it accessible to your
current and prospective employees.
To protect your company from hiring unsuitable
applicants, it is beneficial to perform an employee background screening. You can get the best employee
background screening services from our company.
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