Protect Your Company and Yourself With Employee Background Screening


There are no sorcery balls and no mystics that may tell you that any candidate will act in the way that everybody forecasts. You simply can not forecast the future behavior of any individual based on their past or present actions.

For example, if you hire a young man with an unblemished record, fantastic references, and a top education at an Ivy League University you would usually be thrilled. employment verification company It would appear that you have hired an ideal worker that can be groomed for success.

This is only an enlightened guess about his behavior, however. While this young man would seem to be the last person to make any type of Problem at work he could be a ticking, rage-filled time bomb. Anybody might have deep psychological or psychiatric issues that have not yet come to the surface. All you can do is follow your instincts and play the chances when it comes to screening and hiring new staff.

Don't Take the fall, Check them All - As well as standard and complete background checks there are some other screening options that bosses might need to consider adding to their arms depot. Drug testing will help you keep unlawful drugs and alcohol out of your workplace. This gives you a method to ensure that your workers aren't risking the lives and safety of themselves and their co-workers.

You can even include integrity testing in your pre-employment screening process. Companies that concentrate on background checks are also in a position to do credit and tenant checks; they can find out if the prospective worker has ever been ejected, and they can cross reference the name against those on state sexual predator registries.

If you include all these different screening procedures you'll have done all you could to try and select a fair, trustworthy worker. You can hire us for doing the job.

Background checks do not Lie, but people Do - Instead of judging folk at face worth you can add another level of safety to the workplace by insisting that a comprehensive background check join the pre-employment process. These checks provide more detailed information than what the basic corroboration procedures contain.

These types of security actions can shield your company from action in the courts if a worker should prove to be a danger to himself and those around him. Having documented background checks of a comprehensive nature is evidence that you went the extra step to try to make a safe work environment for your people.

Some firms focusing on background screening and employee pre-screening techniques can show businesses how efficient and inexpensive these processes can be. You could depend upon your company’s in-house HR staff to determine the background checks of potential employees.

Job applicants Score Poor Marks for honesty - As much as 50% of all potential employees have embellished and exaggerated their past job achievements as well as their work-related responsibilities.More than 25% of all job candidates will lie or furnish misleading information for questions that ask if they have any type of legal charges/records in their past.As much as 30 percent of all job candidates will put blatant falsehoods on job applications.

As many as 75% of all job candidates will include some form of lies, exaggerations, embellishments, or tricking info that's included specifically to make the applicant seem better qualified.


While fraud connects to virtually all new businesses that fail, and internal worker burglary is a much bigger chance today it is useful to remember that more than 90% of on-the-job thefts will involve a person who has positively no kind of criminal record.

Up to 30% of all professional resumes have at least one statement that is either a blatant lie or a gross exaggeration of the facts.

Approximately 90% of resumes that are being submitted to enterprises are composed and made by folk other than the candidate.

More than 60% of all job applicants will lie about their SAT scores, GPA, and writing abilities. If you want to run employment background screening tests, make sure you contact us. We have the best professionals who will do your work.


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