Types of Discriminatory Harassment Ought to be Reported

We have often heard about people attending POSH Training for Employees , issued by the POSH Training India committee where under the POSH ICC Training act, every company or organizing needs to have anti-harassment training sessions for their employees where they can teach them about the needful manners and actions which are bound to be followed inside the office premises. Thus, workplace harassment is becoming more open and more common now-a-days where nearly every individual is being a victim of such experiences and are coming out to file a sincere complaint in their HR department. However, as there are many types of harassment, the most famous one apart from sexual remains the discriminatort harassment which within itself has a variety of aspects on which many-a-time, people are judged and thus are left behin or taken advantage of. Discriminatory harassment can be termed as the unlawful workplace harassment where not via verbal or physical terms but the intention...